My First Visit to Dragon Con

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Coming up the first week of September, the world famous Dragon Con will take over downtown Atlanta. It’s the largest Fan Convention located on the East Coast and has been a fan favorite since it’s inception back in 1987.

Michael Payne HSI’ve been a fan of anime, sci-fi and comics since I can remember but unfortunately, I’d never been to a fan convention until I visited Momo Con this year. Momo Con really opened my eyes to everything that’s involved with a fan convention, from the panels and gaming all the way to the dedication and hard work the cos-players put into bringing some of their favorite characters to life.

I’ve been in Atlanta for 10 years now and I’ve watched the Dragon Con parade snake its way through the downtown streets. I’ve walked the halls of the Marriott Marquis, Hyatt Regency and other downtown hotels to see some of the wonderful costume on display. But I’ve never officially been to any Dragon Con events. Now’s my chance to correct that wrong.

From now til the start of Dragon Con on September 4th, I will be telling short stories about the must see sights and sounds of the upcoming Dragon Con. I will present a convention “Survival Guide” for all the things one should bring to help them get through the day. I’ll talk about how to approach different track panels to help you maximize your visit. But most importantly, I’ll talk about some of the popular after hours spots people should hit up to get the total experience of Dragon Con.

I’m excited to be a part of the 2015 Dragon Con and hope this is the start of a beautiful relationship.

